Are you satisfied with the battery life of your smartphone? (poll results)

Considering our recent study into historical, industry-wide battery life, and the surprising finding that it hasn't really progressed almost at all since the early days of 2014, we thought we'd check with you. That is, are you satisfied with what your current smartphone offers in terms of endurance?
While we're far from the olden days of week-long battery life, it appears that our community at least, is split in two halves. To a varying degree, 50% of the participants are content with the resilience of their current handheld, while the other 50% or so aren't. More specifically, nearly 14% are very satisfied, while nearly 10% say theirs is abhorrent. Less extreme statements make up the bulk of the votes, with a near tie between folks who feel the battery life provided by their smartphone is okay (~37%) and those who are simply unsatisfied (~39%).
To tell you the truth, we didn't expect an outcome this even and were anticipating a significantly grimmer takeaway. In this case, however, we're happy to be wrong.
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