Google finally responds to Apple v Samsung verdict

It seemed that everyone had a chance to weigh in on Apple's big win over Samsung a few days ago, everyone except for Google that is. We heard from Apple, we heard from Samsung, and we even heard from Microsoft, but not Google, until now. Not surprisingly, Google is far more reasonable and even-toned than Samsung was in its reaction to the verdict.
Google said in a statement:
The court of appeals will review both infringement and the validity of the patent claims. Most of these don't relate to the core Android operating system, and several are being re-examined by the US Patent Office. The mobile industry is moving fast and all players — including newcomers — are building upon ideas that have been around for decades. We work with our partners to give consumers innovative and affordable products, and we don't want anything to limit that.
Google's message doesn't match that of Samsung, and it actually sounds more like it took a point from what we said about the verdict just yesterday. Could someone at Google PR be a PhoneArena reader?
Really, this is just standard damage control of course. Google's biggest hardware partner just got hit with a huge fine, and Google needs to calm the other partners by reminding everyone that Samsung made its own mess, and stock Android doesn't come in conflict with most of the patents to which Samsung fell prey. But, then again, "most" doesn't mean all, so Google is still wary of a couple of the patents that Apple holds, and we'll assume those are the patents relating to multi-touch.
source: The Verge
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