Study claims Siri and Google Assistant are equal

There have been plenty of tests when it comes to the various voice assistants available on the market these days and generally the consensus is that voice assistants are pretty good. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses, but for the most part they do the job that people need (except for Bixby. Bixby is just flat out bad.) By far the most common uses of voice assistants are for playing music, checking the weather, setting timers, making a shopping list, and other fairly mundane tasks. When you get into more complex requests Google Assistant often comes out ahead though.
But, Microsoft wanted to do a different kind of study on the topic of voice assistants. Rather than looking at accuracy, Microsoft wanted to see how much people use voice assistants and how. Perhaps surprisingly, Microsoft found that both Siri and Google Assistant were used by an equal portion of respondents (36%), and suggested this was likely due to the prevalence of iOS and Android phones and not as much because of home smart speakers. Alexa was the third most used at 25% and Cortana came in at a surprising 19%. Bixby, if it was included, might have been part of the 1% "other" voice assistant category.
Microsoft's study found that more and more users want to be able to take actions with voice assistants, including getting directions, researching or comparing products, or performing various shopping tasks. But, despite the growing usage of voice assistants, Microsoft found that 41% of respondents had concerns about privacy when it came to devices that could be always listening.
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