UPDATED with video: Verizon's Motorola Droid site take a jab at the iPhone by saying "iDon't DROID DOES"

This is the slogan on the new Motorola Droid teaser site that was unofficially launched by Verizon Wireless today. After viewing the catch phrases, you are instructed to enter your E-Mail address to receive updates. At the bottom of the screen there looks to be some type of countdown timer, but instead of numbers there are symbols, but it appears to be Months, Days, Hours, and Seconds. After you register your email address, you get the following reply saying that you don't need a smartphone, you need a supergenius in your pocket. Regardless, we're glad to see things are coming along and hope the Droid will be released before too long.
source: Verizon Wireless and Twitter
Motorola Droid A855 Preliminary Specifications
A few people on Howard Forums have claimed to decrypt the countdown clock, and say it end Midnight Oct 30.
There is also a banner ad saying "Droid Does November".
There was a TV Commercial for the Droid tonight and it has been posted to YouTube.
It clearly says November at the end, and at the bottom there is legal disclosure saying

"DROID is a trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. and its related companies. Used under license. Copyright 2009 Verizon."

Things that are NOT allowed: