Barnes & Noble NOOK Tablet Specs
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I bought an 8GB Nook Tablet on e-bay when my son "borrowed" my original Nook and went back to college - but I was glad to do it because he was reading books for pleasure. My ex had a nook tablet which I thought was pretty nice (she had given me her original Nook - before the "ex" part). I found a Nook Tablet on e-bay for $70, listed as "New, other", probably a manufacturer refurb from a reputable seller, but fully functional - the only defect were some permanent smudges on back (who cares?). I used free online sources to root to Android 4.4 (cyanogenmod), added a 16GB SDHC, I now have a 7" Android tablet (installed Nook App to get my books back) . It works well, but has no camera. Also, the battery only lasts about 6 hours active video (Netflix) and 10 hours of reading with about 40% brightness on reader (screen used 70% of power) - this is after cycling the batteries 3x 100%->1%. I don't know if this is because of the refurb or whether this is normal. The other thing is the 7" - this is OK for book reading, but might not be enough for some - the Nook HD/HD+ have 8"/9.3" screens (maybe that's why I have an "ex") - just some food for thought...
Pros it does the basics
Coins no apps or apps all cost the nook was a little bit Small and hard to get used to. battery for the tablet was not the best and it was not the easiest to be able to do what you wanted to do
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