Microsoft Lumia 640 XL Specs
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if you want a phone with long battary life, a big screen and perfomence then this is the best option... it never slows, not even while using LTE. Battary give you more than 2 1/2 days with avarage use.
I'm not quite happy with the operating system windows mobile 8.1 but I think this phablet will be perfect with windows 10. Except for the operating system it is already great. Great build quality, huge replaceable battery and it's cheap.
At last I found a phone that had all the specs I wanted ,or would put up with at a great price... then I turned it on. MS would have done well to customize android, than to screw up so bad with 8.1 . Im sorry I bought this now. My only hope is that 10.1 is a real improvement , and replacement... rather than just a glorified patch for such an inferior OS
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