Motorola V3 is a quad-band roaming GSM phone. At only 0.54 thin, it is the slimmest phone on the market and sports 64k TFT display, VGA camera, Bluetooth, polyphonic ringtones, J2ME, streaming multimedia and 3D graphics engine.
I want it6 users
I have it20 users
I had it183 users
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The Motorola RAZR V3 is most commonly compared with these phones:
Despite our efforts to provide full and correct Motorola RAZR V3 specifications, there is always a possibility of admitting a mistake. If you see any wrong or incomplete data, please
The year is 2004. Netflix is making millions by mailing DVDs, every teenager is on MySpace, and the iPod Classic is the hottest media player money can buy. Mobile tech was simpler back then. We had no iPhones or Android phones. In fact, downloadable ...
Flip phones: they had relinquished their dominance in the market by the time the first true smartphones became commercially available around the mid-2000s. But for a long time – during the late 1990s and early 2000s – they were the most popular kind ...
When we look at today’s smartphones, it’s pretty impressive how manufacturers are able to cram so much into such a svelte body. Just thinking about all the components that make up a smartphone is mind-boggling on its own, so to fathom how they’re abl...
According to a number of media outlets, the biggest trend this year is the return of the humble flip phone. The Seattle Times said, "The flip phone is the new protest statement." Baltimore Sun Op-Ed writer Katie Reid swapped her Apple iPhone for a Ky...