Motorola i930 Specs
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As I waited for "the new launch" dates over and over I assumed this phone would be rock solid in features and functionality by the time it came out with so much extra test time in the field. Unfortunately it is very far from a polished finished product. Simple things like having to use different butons to make a call in certain places (i.e. on the main screen if you scroll down to "Last Call" and press the call button it will call that number, if you press the OK button you go to the recent call list, BUT if you scroll down to "VoiceMail" and press the call button it will not call your voice mail (instead you go to a different version of the recent call list) you have to press OK on "VoiceMail" to make it call. Not a big deal, but just an example of how far away from a GREAT phone that it is. Another example, when entering a repeating item in your calendar you only have the following repeat "Occurs" options: 1. Once, 2. Every Wednesday (or obviously whatever particular day of the week you are setting the appointment on) 3. Day 11 of every month (or again the date you are setting it on) 4. Every Oct 11 (again the date you are on) - - That is it, NO every 2nd Wednesday of the month, NOT EVEN a daily option, let alone the needed every weekday and every weekend day. Don't want to bash too much, the phone is nice just the implementation is so lacking considering how long they took to launch it.
I just bought this phone. It is great. I love all the features. Since I'm a fan of big phones design is very good also. It's almost as comfortable as a house phone. Sound quality is good. Could be better considering it has the ability to play windows media player. This phone is definitely the smart phone. Grade A.
good phone
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